2015 Miss Los Angeles Chinatown Court

19th Miss L.A. Chinatown Charity Fashion Show
19th Miss L.A. Chinatown Charity Fashion Show

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles is proud to have the 2014 Miss Los Angeles Chinatown Court to host a Fashion Show on January 10, 2015.

The Fashion Show will present the 2015 Miss LA Chinatown contestants to the community, and helps the contestants to prepare for the 2015 Miss LA Chinatown Pageant. The Fashion show showcases talented local designers while raising money and help promoting a designated local non-profit organization. This year the court decided to help promote Creativity Heal, an organization that provides creative outlets for youth who have experienced trauma and abuse, helping them to communicate, discover and heal. The Fashion show designers that are showcasing their fashion this year are Zoozie LA, Lucci Lu and Emily Daccarett.​

Jos haluat jättää tämän tyyppisen kohdistuksen pois käytöstä, voit käydä ‘online – valinnat’ – sivustossasi klikkaamalla tätä. Hernesaaren kiistelty asemakaava meni läpi lautakunnassa: “ei synny ruuhkasumppua”, sanoo apulaispormestari sinnemäki verkkosivusto 1. Meillä on muitakin hankkeita, joissa nämä asiat ovat muuttuneet.

To add to the excitement, this year you have the opportunity of spending $25 to win one 0.75 – 1.00 karat real diamond. Please join us. For members VIP tickets is $75 , and regular ticket is $50. Please call Chamber office to reserve your ticket.

Source: www.misslachinatown.com

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We Need Your Support!

Our Goal:

Our goal is to raise upwards of $150,000.00 so we can continue to provide the necessary tools to help childhood victims of trauma and abuse. With significant funding, we can:

  • lease facilities
  • further develop curriculum
  • purchase art, music, and dance class supplies
  • enact background checks for volunteers
  • purchase office supplies and marketing materials

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